Ask Sananda 17: Attraction and Reflection
I’d like to hear Sananda’s perspective on the popular Law of Attraction and Law of Reflection.
Ask Sananda 17: Attraction and Reflection Continue »
I’d like to hear Sananda’s perspective on the popular Law of Attraction and Law of Reflection.
Ask Sananda 17: Attraction and Reflection Continue »
How important are family of birth and genetic ancestors in terms of who we are in this lifetime? And what is the difference between birth family and soul family?
Ask Sananda 16: Birth Family and Soul Family Continue »
How can we become more aware of ourselves as multidimensional? What happens to us when we die?
Ask Sananda 15: Multidimensionality and the Afterlife Continue »
Sananda mentioned that humanity releases light that is trapped on Earth. Can you explain this?
Ask Sananda 13: Light in Matter Continue »
A continuation of the previous session: is there a way of using light as we go about our day to day business that will benefit all?
Ask Sananda 12: Using Your Light Continue »
I’ve heard it said that everything is made of light, including us – is this true? Is there a way of using light as we go about our day to day business that will benefit all?
Ask Sananda 11: You and Light Continue »
I’d like to learn more about elementals and how we can work with them.
Ask Sananda 10: The Role of Elementals Continue »
How do we move away from being in conflict with ourselves and into a place of greater self-acceptance?
Ask Sananda 9: Moving to Self-Acceptance Continue »
We hear that as we go through the Sun our etheric body gets created. When and how does the earth energy give form to our physical body ?
Ask Sananda 8: The Creation of Your Physical Form Continue »
How can you shape or influence the future? If you are feeling fearful about the future or thinking negatively as you look ahead, how might you change those feelings and thoughts?
Ask Sananda 7: Shaping the Future Continue »
Where do you go when you sleep? Why do you sleep? What do you do in your sleep state?
Ask Sananda 6: Sleeping Continue »
What can we do when we find ourselves stuck in an old pattern in a relationship or in ourselves?
Ask Sananda 5: Freedom from Old Patterns Continue »
‘Tough love’ – is it appropriate? How do we best express our love?
Ask Sananda 4: Tough Love? Continue »
Is karma universal? Does each person experience an exact mirror image of what they have done to another?
Ask Sananda 3: Karma Continue »
Sananda responds to questions about fear in the world and our relationship with our environment.
Ask Sananda 2: Change in the World Continue »
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