teachings from the realms of light

Creating a City of Light

Introducing the Course

An overview

Welcome to Creating a City of Light. You are embarking on a wonderful journey. You will be learning skills of light to experience deeper fulfilment in your life as you increasingly realise your divine self. You will meet many beautiful and supportive beings of light. You will be helping to develop new ways of being in the world and connecting with others. You will be contributing to the creation of environments of light that welcome and enable the greater aliveness that Sananda names ‘Divine Presence’.   

All the while loving beings of light are available to support and assist you, for it is a purpose of the course to help you build relationships with beings who live already in cities of light.  We work especially with a very beautiful group in a city of light in another dimension of our Earth. These friends are deeply respectful of your integrity and hold a space of love and light for all who seek to join them in the creation of cities of light. As you participate in the Creating a City of Light course you are contributing to a process Sananda calls convergence, whereby the veils that have kept us separate from these evolved beings are dissolving until we share the same dimension of existence. 

As you begin this course you are using your light in beautiful ways that help you to appreciate and to live more fully the wonder of your being. At the same time you are helping the consciousness of humanity to evolve to new levels and contributing to the creation of a city of light, a life-enhancing way for humanity to express and share our light and love.

An introduction from Christopher

This course originated over twenty years ago when the words ‘city of light’ came to me one evening. Although I did not know what a city of light might be, I felt an immediate deep excitement and recognised that this was something of great importance to me. Soon Sananda began to help me explore the skills of light involved in creating environments of light and I invited a group, drawn from across the United Kingdom, to share in these teachings. This wonderful group met for several years, but I realised that I had more to learn before these skills could be shared widely. Out of the work of this original group and my continuing studies with Sananda a new group came into being, this time connecting online so that members could join in worldwide. Our work together forms the course you are now starting. I trust it brings you great joy.

What is a city of light?

A city of light is one of the principal ways in which beings like ourselves express our inner light as we move into the new energies that are becoming available to us. A city of light facilitates our living in creative harmony and supporting each other as we grow easily and joyfully.

When we come together in knowing ourselves as beings of love and light, or ‘beautiful presence’ as Sananda calls us, creating a city of light becomes a natural expression of sharing. Throughout this galaxy cities of light are the familiar chosen environment for beings like ourselves as they arrive at the level of consciousness we are also beginning to enter.

Cities of light are understood to be one of the finest ways of creating and sustaining states of shared consciousness which align with Divine Will as it expressed through the star soul in whose system the city exists. A city of light allows Divine Presence expressed through the spiritual light of the star to be made manifest by the consciousness of a community.

Sananda describes a city of light

Begin by thinking of a time when you have felt clear, light and fully alive. A City of Light is a environment of light shaped by the love and higher will of many beings to sustain and develop such states of consciousness.

Such an environment is not fixed, but fluid, reflecting with ever-greater accuracy Divine Will, moment by moment. It both invites and sustains higher and higher levels of aliveness in all who participate in its creation.

A City of Light is by its nature beautiful, for whatever you find beautiful in your life is beautiful to you to the degree that it reveals the Source of All. Cities of Light are the creations of sentient beings, designed to invite the Source of All to take up residence; they are celebrations of the beauty of life.

A City of Light is birthed from within you. It is an outworking of your innermost light, a revelation of the infinite beauty of your own being.

When you come together with others to create a City of Light you generate new and undreamed of possibilities, for as the light of your being encounters and plays with the light of those with whom you share this process of creation, so the light itself reveals to you the infinite scope of your being.

A City of Light is an environment in which you may come to know more fully your oneness with all life.

How the course is structured

The course consists of inner journeys in which you are guided by Sananda to spaces and states that help you to feel more fully alive, to manifest your higher purpose and to build consciousness. You will learn skills of light that you can use in your everyday life to create environments of well-being, inner peace and joy. You will meet and be helped by many highly evolved beings who love to help you grow at whatever pace is comfortable and appropriate for you.

All of the inner journeys are introduced by a talk from Christopher and followed by notes to help you as you study these skills. Each journey is accompanied by the angelic music of Thaddeus. 

As you study this course you are joining others. Most of these inner journeys were broadcast live. Sananda has always been aware of those who would be joining in later and included you in his transmissions. There are many other highly evolved beings in other cities of light aware of you too and holding a space of love and light. In addition around the Earth at this time are many people working in other ways that are in resonance with these teachings to create a world of peace, harmony and abundance in which all may experience fulfilment. All of these together create a network of support to which you too contribute.

The Architect of Light Group

If you are not already a member of this group, you may like to join it. As you member you can join our live sessions on the first Sunday of each month (as well as having immediate access to many other courses). These broadcasts build on the skills you are learning here and follow the same format as the recorded sessions: an introductory talk from Christopher and an inner journey with Sananda. You will also be able to share experiences with other participants and ask any questions that may arise for you.

Suggestions for studying the course

We suggest listening to each talk and inner journey before reading its accompanying notes. Choose a time when you can be relaxed and undisturbed. Notice your posture; sit with your spine comfortably erect. If you prefer, you can listen lying down, again with your spine comfortably straight. As you listen you will be receiving many transmissions of light and love from Sananda and other loving presences of light. After each journey finishes you may like to spend a few minutes absorbing your experiences as you come back fully to the outer world. Listening to these inner journeys several times is likely to enhance their effect. Trust your intuition in choosing when and how often you listen to each one. As well as listening to the inner journeys we encourage you to practise sometimes visiting the inner spaces and using the skills you are learning without the recorded journeys. In this way you build confidence in yourself and make these skills your own.

This course is designed to help you grow spiritually in joyful ways. It brings change at the pace that is right for you. Monitor your own progress, giving your personality self time to integrate the new and moving onto the next session when you feel ready, whether that is on the same day or days later. Remember that the course is not a magic wand that makes all the challenges of life vanish. Rather, let it increase the abilities you already have to shape a fulfilling life with the light and love of your being.

Using the media player

A reminder: Do not listen while driving.

Since these inner journeys may take you into deep states of relaxation, do not listen to them when driving or doing anything, such as operating machinery, that requires you to be alert and focused on the outer world.

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