Heaven on Earth

teachings from the realms of light for a life of joy

The Guides - 1

FYG mp3

Friendship with Your Guides

Introduction from Christopher

As human beings we are used to feeling alone. From our birth onwards we have distinct, individual and separate bodies. Our bodies are so real and present to us that we easily lose sight of more subtle aspects of our world. 

It is natural that we reach out to others. Although the connections we make with others are varied and each of us has a unique set of preferences and needs, we all care for connection. Connections matter to us. Even someone who turns from the world or feels threatened by contact will find ways of connecting with the world that endow this life with meaning.

All the while another part of us has a different understanding. That part knows that we are not, never have been, never will be, separate; that we are always connected to all that is. And yet, even if this is a belief you hold strongly, to really feel its truth may be elusive or fleeting.

With us always are friends from non-physical realities. But with us only in the sense that they are available to us. They are aware and responsive to our needs and wishes, and they respect our independence. As we remember that we are not physical beings alone, but spiritual beings, beings of light who have taken on human form, our energy fields become more permeable, more open to connections with other beings of light in other forms or indeed in no form that we would readily recognise.

Such openness may feel initially a little risky, and yet at heart this inner movement is a movement to greater love and a deeper recognition of our oneness with the world. It is an openness that repays itself. Like a flower, as we open we grow, as we grow we open.

All the while our unseen friends wait for us. This does not require patience, for patience relates to an idea of time that belongs to our material reality. They wait with a continuous love modulated to our receptivity. There is no urgency, no push.

Right now you are living in a time in which there is an increased communion between their reality and ours. Currents of energy flow between these realities more freely than has been the case for a while. You are born into this time by choice and one important factor in your choice was the recognition that you could take advantage of these increased flows. 

This course is designed to help you to make greater use of the connections your friends of light, the guides, are offering humanity. They are using their skills to ‘shape’ environments of light that help you to recognise your oneness and appreciate its meaning for you. 

Your purpose in coming to Earth is uniquely yours. It is a step on your journey of growing into oneness with the Source of All and an opportunity to share the richness of your being and your experience to help others. Your guide appreciates deeply your unique gifts and loves to help you know them and use them. Your guide is growing too and you are helping your guide to grow.

At this time new and deeper ways of connecting with your guide are coming forward. In this course Sananda will be teaching some of these ways. Those of you who are drawn to this course, together with your guides, have already been working together to create spaces of light that help you become more aware of your own guide’s essence, integrity, love and wisdom.

In learning the skills Sananda is teaching we encourage you to be both patient and generous to yourself. Remember that learning any new skill takes you into the unknown and the uncertain. When working with beings whom your physical senses can tell you little about this is especially true.

Recognise that, whether or not you are already familiar with communication with unseen beings, you are likely to have preconceptions about guides, about channelling, about beings of light and, not least about your own capacity and ability. Gently remind yourself, if need be, that preconceptions can get in the way of learning. To be ignorant is not at all the same thing as to be unable. You are very able and if you find yourself in some ways ignorant, rejoice. You have just given yourself permission to learn.

The inner journeys around which the course is build are divided broadly in two types. The first gives you the opportunity to explore the world of light, to get to know your guide and to learn more of how your guide can help you. The second assists you to assimilate these new skills, insights and understandings. 

At this point you may like to pause and consider what a relationship with a guide means or might mean to you. If you do this, it is not because there is some correct attitude that you should arrive at. Instead see it as an opportunity to look at your bank of stored experiences, thoughts, ideas, beliefs, wishes: all the complex energy forms that constitute one individual’s response to one aspect of this astonishing world we inhabit.

You need neither hold nor jettison whatever you discover in such an exploration, but give yourself permission to hold all lightly. Your guide does not exist in a world of right and wrong, but rather always watches for those energy flows that are most uplifting and helpful to you. Holding rigidly that that which you believe you know can block or delay those flows a little.

The relationship you have with your guide starts with love and continues always with love. Love opens receptivity to your own wisdom. Since your guide loves you unconditionally, the more you are able to accept yourself and feel unconditional love for the being you are, the more you move into resonance with your guide and the more channels of communication open.

In this course you will have the opportunity to explore several different channels of communication. They are all based on what we might call the ‘language of light’, but each takes a different path into human consciousness. Some paths are well-established, such as light to thought to speech. Others may be less familiar, such as light to aura to creative expression. These less familiar paths may encourage you to a deeper trust in your own inherent worth, not by comparison to others but as limitless and ultimately beyond anything that can be measured. 

Though you continue to experience yourself as an individual person, connected with many but still a kind of island, for your guide there is a different way of perceiving you. Your guide starts from light. This is a being who also sees you as light and experiences light as infinite and undivided. For your guide, then, you are of the oneness, a unique expression of the oneness but not separate from it. In a way your guide does not feel separate from you, while at the same time as recognising your experience of separateness. 

To be a guide is an honour that requires much training. Unconditional love is the foundation. On that is built wisdom and a wealth of experience. You need never fear that your guide doesn’t understand what it feels like to live on Earth, to be you. Your guide can move into resonance with any state of consciousness you experience and feel it as you feel it. At the same time that sharing of experience is part of a continuum of experience available to your guide, but not so easily accessed by you. Your guide’s understanding of your experiences may be very different from your own. Part of your guide’s purpose is to open doors for you to move into that wider understanding. But while doors are opened, you will never be pushed through them.

Pause again. Consider your guide and turn your attention to your heart centre. Explore letting your heart open to receive more of your guide’s love. Let your heart do this for you: be an observer of it as it happens. Quietly breathe into your heart centre. Welcome your guide to draw closer. Permit yourself to feel loved.

The inner journeys and talks

Watch the introductory talk here or listen to it on the media player below

Using the media player

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A reminder: Do not listen while driving.
Since these meditations may take you into deep states of relaxation, do not listen to them when driving or doing anything, such as operating machinery, that requires you to be alert and focused on the outer world.

Music by Thaddeus: Journey 1 – Spiritual Sun Opening; Journey 2 – Light Emerging.


Talk 1
Christopher introduces the course.
Journey 1 – Coming to the Space of Friendship
Sananda introduces you to a space of light that we will be using as a foundation for your explorations of the friendship with your guide.
Journey 2 – Coming to Yourself
This journey helps you to move past the forms of the personality self to sense more of yourself as a being of light.
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