Heaven on Earth

teachings from the realms of light for a life of joy

The Guides - 1

FYG mp3

Friendship with Your Guides

Part 2: Your Guide Approaches

When you invite your guide, your guide responds. The invitation can be made in many ways. You might not always notice you have asked for help, for the request need not be formal or complicated. It need not come from urgency and it requires no pressure. If you were to look within, all you might notice is a slight shimmer in your energy field as it becomes more receptive. 

That degree of openness or receptivity is important. For your guide is very respectful of your boundaries and also recognises, as you might with a child, that to step forward and intervene is not always the kindest or most effective way of helping. Indeed that ‘let me do it’ stance that you might take when watching someone struggle, is not how your guide works at all. This is not from any lack of caring, but because your guide sees that you never draw to you experiences that are random or beyond your capacity. For you, this may sometimes be hard to believe. But your guide benefits from that larger perspective that grants a coherence to every event in your life, whether major or fleeting and apparently insignificant.   

Your guide does not come as a rescuer, for the simple reason that your guide does not see you as someone who needs rescuing. There is another deeper reason: your guide does not see herself or himself as needing rescue, and your guide experiences a oneness with the being you are. When you invite your guide to approach, your guide is witnessing you recognising more of your oneness. In a way it doesn’t matter to your guide whether the invitation comes from curiosity, puzzlement, delight, fear or desperation. Whatever you experience as your own motivation, it is that shimmer of receptivity, that relaxing of the tension on the surface of the bubble of your individuality, that your guide responds to.

In truth, your motivation does matter to your guide, for all that you are matters to your guide. You are precious and all the myriad fluctuations and movements of your energy that you living your life must inevitably generate are noticed and responded to by your guide. While it is natural for you to organise an understanding of your own life, seeing some events as of great and far-reaching significance and letting others be quickly forgotten or filed away, your guide registers your life in a different way. Ocean currents make a good analogy. Your guide observes flows within your life and witnesses those flows, made up of many varied events and experiences, that tend to carry your spirit and the richness of your being most effectively. Where are those currents heading? To the realisation of your divine self. 

Your guide is a little like an archaeologist, revealing you to yourself by helping you peel back layers of earth. The Earth is a loving friend to you, gifting you the body that is your physical home. So powerful a gift can be overwhelming. Like a child with a new toy that consumes all her attention, you, receiving the gift of trillions of living, beautifully organised cells, the vivid senses you have, your quick mind and changing moods, find yourself fascinated and absorbed. Playing in the meadow of the world’s here and now you may forget that buried beneath it is another world. Your guide waits to remind you. But the archaeologist digs the meadow up to reveal the treasure. Your guide helps you use your appreciation of the beauty of the world and  of yourself in the world to come to a yet deeper appreciation of all that you are.

Pause and imagine that, after all, your guide does not approach upon receiving your invitation, but is already present. Your invitation is a refocusing so that the particular presence of your guide changes from a vague blur towards a clearer perception. Of course, you may wish that the focus could become sharp, crystal-clear and super-real. And you may find that it does, but do your best to be relaxed about how real your guide becomes. This is a being of light; to condense that light into physical form, or even the appearance of physical form, takes a great deal of energy. Almost always your guide will consider this is not the best use of the energy available.

As you focus upon the presence of your guide, your guide is responds. Your guide aligns with flows of your energy that are naturally harmonious, harmonious with your own essence and in harmony with other flows that are found in the ocean of your energy field. By numerous subtle adjustments of his or her own energy flows, your guide supports your internal harmonies and in this way assists you in sensing the potential for new harmonies across a broader spectrum of your energy. While this interaction of energy fields may include communication in words, images or thoughtforms, these may be no more than the ripples on the surface of the ocean. Much may be happening out of sight in the deeps.

As you develop the ability to sense your interaction with your guide, you can become an increasingly confident explorer of the ocean depths. At every point where your energy currents touch those of your guide, there is potential for light to be generated. That light adds to your consciousness, it reveals a little more of your divine self to you. This means that your guide’s love, wisdom and understanding could be communicated through every point in your energy field. It may be a while before this ability can be fully developed, but you may find it helpful to consider this as a direction in which you can choose to travel.

In this stage of the course Sananda and your guide are helping you to explore these areas. In the first inner journey you can observe your own process of invitation and how your energy field responds to your inviting a more conscious connection with your guide. That conscious connection develops through harmonising flows and then generating light through points of connection. The second inner journey pays attention to the way in which your own mood, thoughts, beliefs and overall state of consciousness make a difference to how you sense the connection with your guide. Building trust and confidence in your capacity to connect and communicate helps you relax and open to the gifts your guide has for you.

The inner journeys and talks

Watch the introductory talk here or listen to it on the media player below

Listen or download

Music by Thaddeus: Journey 1 – Sea of Light; Journey 2 – Cellular Evolution.


Talk 2

You and your guide can meet as beings of light. 

Journey 3 – Opening Channels of Communication

In the space of friendship you connect with the light of your guide and explore points of connection, places in your shared light where you may sense a particular aliveness or brightnesss.

Journey 4 – Building Confidence

Sananda helps you to appreciate that your presence makes a unique and vital contribution to the Universe.

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