Heaven on Earth

teachings from the realms of light for a life of joy

Anchoring Starlight Series: 1


Pleiades named

Introduction to the course

General introduction

In this inner journey you explore how Alcyone, the brightest star of the Pleiades, can help your mental body to evolve. Sananda guides you to look at the relationship between overview and focus (what we might call the bird’s eye view and the mouse’s view) and how we may simultaneously sustain a broad overview of all that your life is and have a focused awareness of many different events and individuals within your life.

As you develop this skill so the mental body changes some of its familiar ways of functioning, especially by moving to a higher level of intuitive thinking, where mental energy is able to manifest more directly as experience without needing to go through the production of fixed thoughts or ideas.


Every star brings gifts from the Source of All. At this time of quickening the stars play a precious role in awakening us to a fuller realisation of the love and light that is our essence. The Anchoring Starlight series of inner journeys and talks are designed to help you connect with the souls of the stars as you receive their gifts of light.

Introduction from Sananda

The Pleiades are newcomers to your Universe, but you could think of them as a group of elder beings who have chosen to come back in the form of stars, having completed a long cycle of experience. They come to offer the fruits of that experience: new ways of organising energy, new forms of dynamic harmony. Their purpose is to broadcast what they have found out to the rest of the Galaxy, but particularly to star systems like your own which exist in the neighbouring volume of space.

The quality of space here is such that there is a huge receptivity to evolutionary change in this age. In some ways the space that you exist in is like a sponge, absorbing love and light. This love and light is then drawn to all – star systems, planetary systems and the beings who live within them – who are open to receive this stimulus to growth. The Pleiades are offering some organising principles to assist those who are drinking in this light and love. 

Alcyone is a focus for the stars of this group, and you can use it in this way too. Its light is organised into planes or bandwidths so that it can offer a very focused or tailored light to each being who chooses to connect with it, a little like the way in which a radio offers to each of you a range of stations from which you choose your favourite. This can give a sense of personal connection that in part explains humanity’s long attraction to and interest in this group of stars.

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