Heaven on Earth

teachings from the realms of light for a life of joy

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 Session 33 Notes – The Continuum of Christ Light

Now we build on the work we’ve done with Sananda in the previous three sessions.  Sanat Kumara guides you to begin experiencing yourself as a continuum of consciousness that includes aspects where the Christ is fully realised and aspects where the Christ has been less fully realised.  He helps you bring the more realised aspects to illuminate less realised areas and awaken the Christ Light within them.

He also teaches you a way of using the path that takes light through the third eye and the light at the centre of the head to a point at the back of the skull. He guides you from here to follow the Christ Light as it spreads out as drops, sparks or seeds of light into the areas you have been helping open in the first part of this journey.

Key skills here are observing and allowing.  There is a kind of non-doing, which might be equated to you getting out of your own way.  In part, this is because ‘you’ is becoming soft focus or more fuzzily defined, a consequence of experiencing yourself as continuum rather than a distinct and limited entity.  As this happens the more sharply focused ‘you’ which you are familiar with using to generate action becomes somewhat diffused.  It still gathers into a focus when you need to take action in the outer world (and draws on a wider range of options as it does so), but it may be less apparent in these inner spaces.

Session 34 Notes – Finding the Christ Light in Another

This session follows on from our last one.  Then you were guided to find the continuum of Christ consciousness – that is, to find the Christ Light in many different places and times in your life.  Now Sanat Kumara takes you on to the next step (we’ve touched on it before), which is to discover the Christ Light within each other.

First, one of the Saints and Sages comes before you to demonstrate.  Let yourself play; I sometimes call it Simon Says, because in essence it is the same as the children’s game – you are learning to find in yourself what another shows you.

After that you are guided to invite in someone you know, to witness their Christ Light and to allow that process to reveal more of your own Christ Light to yourself.

Session 35 Notes – Introduction to the Christ Space

Our session this time focuses on what you might think of as the technical side of developing the Christ Light – technical in the sense that there may be less for your personality self than in other kinds of inner journey we make.

These journeys, where we focus on the centres (here the light at the centre of the head and the Gateway of Heaven centre at the base of the skull especially), open up Christ Consciousness in a way that tends to bypass our capacity to analyse.  This can be very helpful; it takes us into the unfamiliar, to discover parts of our consciousness as yet unmapped, or mapped only sketchily.

Sanat Kumara introduces a quality of the light, or a behaviour of the light, within the centre of the head and the Gateway of Heaven. This too is something he will be developing with us over coming sessions.  After you’ve listened to the meditation you may like, in the days following, to observe and become familiar with this quality of your inner light as you go about your day.

Session 36 Notes – The Christ Space: Second Journey

Last session I described our meditation as more technical, in the sense that it perhaps offered less for the personality self. In this session several of you had questions and comments about the personality self’s response to spaces like this.

Common responses from the personality are to question whether you are doing it right or to mask the experience of the inner space with judgements or mind chatter.

Strategies I have found helpful include:

  • assume you are doing it right (for some part of you certainly knows the energies Sanat Kumara is transmitting and in this way you bring that part to the fore);
  • bathe thoughts in light as you notice them, and let them go;
  • let go of effort – know that this is an exploration that you and Sanat Kumara are creating together, that there is a flow of energy transmitted that carries you and that effort takes you out of that flow;
  • respond to the energies rather than the words – it is the quality of your experience that matters; if you lose track of the instructions but are having a good experience let go of the words for the time being.

Now we continue to develop the exploration of the Christ space introduced in the last session.

Session 37 – Precipitating the Christ Light

We return to the Christ Space and begin to explore more of its potential.  Sanat Kumara introduces a particular quality of the Christ Light that precipitates into the Christ Space.  You might experience this as being like the formation of drops of liquid light.

In origin the Greek word Christ means anointment and is itself a translation of the Hebrew word Messiah which has the same root meaning. Perhaps there may be some association with this quality of light in the sense that the ancient practice of anointment with oil or baptism with water might be an outward reflection or acting out of this process of precipitation.

Session 38 – The Christ Light Expanded

We are developing the Christ Space by bringing it together with the heart centre.  Sanat Kumara encourages you to view the light at the centre of the head, the heart centre and the Gateway of Heaven simultaneously, all existing in the same space or outside of a sense of specific location.  Switching between this viewpoint and the more familiar one of each having its own place in your body becomes one way in which you can sustain and build a stable experience of this expanded Christ Space.

As you listen to this inner journey use your intuition to steer the focus of your attention in the ways that enhance your overall experience.  As well as switching between or holding simultaneously the non-specific location state and a specific location state mentioned above, you can focus on the Christ within and the Christ beyond and on the spinning light and a more generalised light.  You can observe the Christ Space overall and focus on the precipitation of light into that space.

Written down all this can seem very complicated.  I think this is mainly because we don’t have a very well established language for describing these inner states.  Allow it be simple for you by trusting your own innate inventiveness and playfulness together with your intuition.  As a guiding principle look at what is most beautiful within your experience and focus on that.

The angels help you to relax into a stable and filled-in experience of the Christ Light. Towards the end of this inner journey you are also guided to connect with one angel in particular to receive transmissions through the third eye of whatever aspects of the Christ Light are most helpful for you.

Session 39 Notes – To and Fro Through the Gateway of Heaven

This exploration of the Christ Space begins to look at how you might use this space.  We focus on the Gateway of Heaven and how you can move back and forth through the gateway.

By moving is meant a movement of your focus or attention in the same way that you might follow an inbreath with your attention as air travels up your nostrils, then down your throat and into your lungs.  In that example there is a real physical movement that you are tracking, but you can also move your attention without a physical movement to track just by choosing to do so.

Sanat Kumara then guides you to discover energy states or patterns that you feel drawn to transform, release or enhance.  As you move to and fro through the Gateway of Heaven you can also focus upon (or ‘carry’) one or more of these energy patterns, allowing it to change with each passage.

He draws an analogy with the flows of impulses to and fro within the nervous system, even suggesting that we might consider that all our actions, choices and experiencing of life on the Earth plane are simply a process of purifying and refining ourselves by passing the electrical energy of the nervous system back and forth through the Gateway of Heaven.

Session 40 Notes – Healing with the Angels in the Christ Space

Now we embark on several sessions with Sananda.  He is helping us with the next stage of integrating the Christ Light into our daily lives.  Sananda guides you firstly to open up your sense of self to include all manifestations of your beingness, whether past or future lives, or other-dimensional aspects of you, or different states of consciousness. You then connect with the Angelic Host and, with their help, discover the Christ Light within more and more of this totality of your being.



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