teachings from the realms of light

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Welcome to Solar Angels

Meet the soul of the Sun and open to receive more of its gifts.

From Sananda’s Introduction

The light of the Sun brings you life at the physical level. It also nurtures your spirit. One way of understanding yourself and your presence here on the earth plane is to think of yourself as spirit that has been birthed into this reality through the light of the Sun.  

This process is not one you accomplish alone with only the help of the Sun itself. Your soul chooses a star through which you may explore and come to know more of the totality of your being. The soul of that star then welcomes you into its light. Your soul and the star’s soul then combine their light and you begin the process of shaping a presence for yourself in this reality.

In this lifetime, of course, it is the Sun with whom your soul has collaborated. Together they have created your etheric body; not alone, for the Earth’s soul and many other wise and loving presences of light all bring their insights to assist your soul in creating the most beautiful opportunities for growth of which you are able to make use.

In this process of creation the soul of the Sun is helped by many beings, especially the solar angels and the solar devas. The inner journeys offered here help you to know and understand more of your relationship with these beings. For although what we have written here suggests that their role was mainly in the past, at the time of your preparation for this life, their own perception of time means that for them their commitment to assist you is for all of your life. They see you as always creating your presence here on Earth in every moment of your life, and it is their joy to help you.

Course materials

The course consists of two inner journeys, with study notes. The recordings can be downloaded as mp3 files. The notes can be downloaded as a pdf file in either A4 or US Letter format for you to print out if you wish. 

Code: W007

This series, each with two guided meditations or inner journeys, is designed to help you on your path of spiritual growth. Whether you regard yourself as a beginner or as someone already well along your path, these meditations can take you into beautiful inner spaces and create profound shifts. As you listen Sananda is transmitting frequencies specifically for you at your current stage of growth.

The series introduces many beings and states of consciousness that can assist you on your journey of enlightenment. Even where these are familiar to you, you may find fresh insights and a deeper sense of connection developing for you as you use these inner journeys.

Heaven on Earth also offers further courses that build on this series.

The following discounts are available for this course:

  • Beautiful Presence members: 10%
  • Being of Light members: included in your membership
  • Navigator of Light members: included in your membership
  • Architect of Light members: included in your membership

Join one of our membership groups here.

Already a member? To get your discount, log in here or at the checkout.

Accessing this course is simple.

Once you have purchased it, log in at https://www.heaven-on-earth.co.uk/my-heaven-on-earth/ and scroll down the My Heaven on Earth page to the The Welcome Series section and this course title and image.

Click on the See more… button and that will bring you to the course materials: the inner journeys with the study notes.

You can download these to your own device and print out the notes or you can study the whole course online.

Do I need to be an experienced meditator?

No. Trust that if you are drawn to this course, you can benefit from it. All you need is a willingness to set aside a little time for you.

How long are the inner journeys?
Most of the inner journeys in Heaven on Earth courses are between 20 and 30 minutes long.

What is the background music to these journeys?
The music we use is by Michael Hammer. You can listen to or buy his music from www.michaelhammer.net.

Are there any follow-on courses to this one?
Use the categories or the tags to bring together courses on similar themes or topics. All are designed to help you on your path of spiritual growth.

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