Heaven on Earth

teachings from the realms of light for a life of joy

Ask Sananda 62: What Is a Starseed?

Question: I have noticed a great online fascination with the idea of starseeds and the respective families of starseeds etc, but the thought comes to me – If our bodies are composed at some level of  ‘star stuff’, aren’t we all starseeds in some way?

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Welcome, this is Sananda. The question has been asked, what are starseeds? Who are starseeds? What’s meant by this term? Let’s then unpack that a little. In one way, of course, you are all starseeds. The elements that make up your physical body come from the stars, and so it is absolutely part of your inheritance as a human being that you come from the stars. In another way, equally truly, if you are here in human form, you’re a child of the Earth, not of the stars. Your body is made from the elements that the Earth gives you and that touches on a broader point. Part of the characteristics of the kind of changes in consciousness that you’re experiencing in this age is a movement away from a single viewpoint to multiple viewpoints coexisting comfortably, a movement away from identifying yourself solely with your immediate physical reality and recognising that actually it may be in time quite easy to experience yourself simultaneously as being a child of the Earth, a child of the stars, a companion of star beings of many different kinds, able to have a degree of conscious awareness of other dimensions besides that of your outward physical reality and so on. It’s all part of becoming what’s sometimes called multidimensional. So there is all of that.

You are by your nature in this physical reality, children of the stars, and that’s beautiful, a beautiful state of existence that you’ve chosen to enter a physical world and in doing so, very appropriately connected with the consciousness of the stars and some of those stars more specifically or more closely than others. So that’s given you a sense of locus in relationship to the physical Universe. You’ve chosen a location in its time and space. And to give that, one might say reality, you form these stellar relationships that manifest for you in part as this arrangement of vibrational patterns of energy that you experience as elements and those elements having their initiation into physical reality through the activity of stars, some of which have ceased to exist in the physical world, others are still present. So all of this gives you a real experience, if you choose to access it, of being seeded from the stars in some very important and precious ways.

But then we can come to the way in which that term is more commonly used. The notion that some of you have, not the Earth as a primary home, but you come as a visitor in some sense, and that if you are a visitor, then it is natural to assume that there is some other home that is more naturally or more wholly yours. And often there can be a sense that stars that you can see in the sky that are not that distant in Universal terms that you feel an affinity for are more truly your home than living here on Earth. That’s something to come back to and expand upon. But for now, let’s say that this is the experience or the belief that can be there for many on Earth at this time.

Time to enter some cautions, some caveats. Just as many a child has felt that he or she must be a foundling or a changeling, that you cannot really truly be the child of these parents that are yours. So there can be a temptation if you find Earth not wholly congenial to you to assume that you really come from somewhere else, that you are a superior being who is parachuted into this world for a brief while (I exaggerate to make the point) to perform a precious service to the elevation of human consciousness and then – phew! you’re going to be allowed to go home to that much more compatible and enjoyable environment that you presume to be your home.

Whilst there can be truth in the general notion of other places in the Universe, being more truly a home than the Earth is – a kind of truth, yes, that can be there. As you can tell from the way that I’ve spoken of these temptations, quite a lot of caution and a big pinch of salt is useful. If your motivation for leaping out to the stars is that you find the Earth uncongenial, that you feel in some way that you have a specialness that is not being recognised, for example, then be cautious simply. You can find that there’s a fairly large dollop of ego at work. Just come back to the fundamental understanding that no human being is superior or inferior to you. It’s as simple as that. You are all equal. You have equal value. Every one of you has a unique value, but it is equal. That gets rid of quite a lot of unnecessary baggage when you begin to explore the notion of starseeds.

If it is that you find Earth uncongenial, at least in some respects, you can also understand that it is at least part of your purpose in being here to move to an experience of the Earth and all that forms the environment of the Earth becoming congenial to you; that you can shift from a feeling of being alien in some sense to a feeling of being at home. We could say that there is a very simple reason for this, which is as I’ve already indicated, and as you know as physical beings, you are really in many respects, quite truly and simply made of stardust. And that stardust comes from all over the Universe one way and another. So you are at home, wherever you are in the Universe, you are a child of the Universe. Or if we shift to a different level, the Universe is a child of you. As consciousness, as the oneness, you’ve created the Universe, you’ve created all of this journey. So you are never away from home wherever you are.

But it’s also true that this idea of starseed has a validity, that it is the case that a very considerable number of human beings now on Earth have a lot of experience of existing in other places in the Universe, other dimensions of the Universe as well, and that there is a genuine, simple, straightforward truth that for some coming to the Earth, living a human life is not wholly alien, but it can be somewhat unfamiliar. There can be a sense of (now we’ve come closer to the way in which this term is often used) there can be a sense of having come to the Earth with a purpose: that purpose being to be of service to humanity and to the Earth itself. And that in order to perform that service, it has been felt wise by the being, the individual being, that human who is you, to train, to develop particular skills, particular ranges of understanding, particular patterns of energy that can be valuable, imported into the energetic structure that gives rise to the human experience of the Earth.

So there can be many of you in this lifetime coming in with that kind of background; that you’ve had experience of training, of studying, in wisdom schools, let’s call them for simplicity, in other star systems. And whilst that might have been true over long ages, it has a relevance in this age because for many of you, you recognise there was an opportunity and a value in coming into this life with some degree of what we might call memory or insight into those other modes of being, those other places in which you’ve taken a lifetime or a number of lifetimes. And so rather than having a total amnesia, that at least sometimes in Earth history has been the way in which the process of becoming human was completed, and kind of wiping out a substantial degree of memories of other states of being so that you could have a full and focused human life without undue reference to other modes of being and other times and places. But in this age there is the thinning of the veils and therefore, for many of you, you have had this sense of perhaps Earth feels like home but not your only home. Or perhaps you look around as you enter this world and become aware of the world around you as you grow through babyhood and on into childhood, the sense of an otherness, a sense of not quite getting the way that people understand, that there’s a mystery about the general patterns of behaviour exhibited by humans, because you have within you that sense of another set of references, that there are other ways of being with which you feel you are familiar.

And this is part of the structure that we’re organising for the fulfilment of purpose for many of you who have that kind of background – that you carry in with you sufficient awareness to recognise the otherness of this reality, because you come in to assist that otherness to evolve. Without recognising it, it might be difficult to fulfil that function. And at the same time with that feeling of otherness is, if not there present for you as clear memory, there’s a hankering for, a longing for, that which you left behind. And therefore considerable effort will often go into what can often be described and experienced as a journey of spiritual growth.

But there are other kinds of viewpoint, other kinds of seeing that that are possible. One might regard it in a more scientific light and say that there are certain kinds of science that relate to energy that is a little bit outside that which can be recognised in the physical world or measured by physical instruments, but is nevertheless wholly real in its own term and underpins the structures of the physical reality in which you live. And so it can be seen in that kind of scientific light that you’re simply mastering skills in this reality that were natural and well-honed in other realities where the energy was somewhat less dense, because that is characteristic of the background for those who experience themselves as starseeds, that they’ve come from a less dense reality into a more dense reality. And therefore entering this reality, taking on the responsibility of a human life, can sometimes feel like actually a literal burden that you’re carrying a weight. You are used to being lighter, not just in the sense of light as part of the electromagnetic spectrum, but light as a weight, a burden. You can feel that heaviness and therefore those who experience themselves as starseeds can find an internal conflict that’s not always easy to resolve for you. That is, you know that you’ve come with a purpose, you know that you come to help. It is your joy to help; you wish to. And at the same time, there can be that familiar plaint that says, ‘Oh, this is so hard, and when can I go home?’ And so on. And you may find these feelings and thoughts within yourself perhaps.

It’s time to reiterate that point: if you experience yourself or suspect that you may be a starseed of some kind, then that’s great. Be happy with that. I’m going to talk some more about it shortly, but do remind yourself that it does not mean that you are superior nor that anyone is superior to you. Everyone is equal. Everyone is the divine being in human form. And so by all means, enjoy the sense of being a starseed. Make the most of it. But you don’t need to lord it over anybody else. Just get on with what you came here to do and love everybody as unconditionally as you can.

Now here’s another way of understanding a little bit more about the function of a starseed. So certainly there can be long periods in Earthly terms of studying the way that subtle energies work, and in particular a deep interest for many of you in how evolution in this context, the evolution of humanity through its next level, which is predominantly not now in the first instance an evolution of physical form, though that is implicated, but predominantly evolution in terms of consciousness, in terms of subtle energies, in terms of your subtle energy bodies, the mental body, emotional body, less so as I say at this time, the physical body. But that is implicated. That’s a little bit further down the line. At the moment the focus is on internal harmony, all of your systems working well with all of your other systems, that’s one focus. But then out of that increased harmony, the opening up to a larger awareness.

So this then is another function of being a starseed: an opening up to a greater awareness that the general belief system that is shared by many on Earth at this time and in an earlier ages of you as humanity being somewhat separate from the rest of the Universe, that instead you are not. Your friends from the stars, your family from the stars, your companions from the stars, they’re not absent, they’re not ultimately somewhere else. If they are – let us take the Pleiades.
as an example – there will be those of you who are listening who have studied in the Pleiades. There are schools that study the Earth in great detail with a profound caring, a lot of love, a lot of desire to help the evolution of human consciousness. And some of you have that background. And so you come here, you’ve been part of a school, a spiritual energy school, you’ve studied the way that energy works at the subtle levels. You’ve learned how to hold patterns of light that are enlightening, awakening, that are like keys that open up deeper understanding and experience. And you can come here and you feel that you are away from home, that you’re missing your friends, that you can’t quite remember all those things that you learned in that other dimension because everything’s a bit sluggish here and so on. But lift out of that. More and more as time goes on, you will find that (everyone’s different, so what I’m saying may not be true for you), but collectively you will find that there is an increasing recognition that you really can simultaneously be with those you love, wherever their physical location might be. So if we speak of the Pleiades, we can be speaking of a group of stars that is a considerable distance from Earth, we are talking about many, many light years. As physical beings in the way that you understand it, it is really not a practical proposition to travel with your physical body to the Pleiades, but as a being, as consciousness, you have no mass, you are not governed by the Newtonian laws of relationship between energy and mass and light.

You can be in the company of your friends in the moment that you think of them. And increasingly, as I suggest, you’re likely to find that that is so. This is important because it’s part of how you fulfil that purpose. There has been perhaps a tendency, very understandably, for starseeds to see themselves as, you know, pioneers travelling into unknown territory or difficult territory and doing their best to work in isolation. And there’s not a wrongness about that. For many of you, it’s been an important part of how you establish yourself on the Earth plane, how you develop a strength of character we might call it, you know, a willingness to persist with your purpose even when things felt difficult and so on. But as time goes on, then there is this opening up to a different stage of what it is to be a starseed. And then it’s not really so much about delivering some precious gift to the natives, which as I’ve already indicated can have severe disadvantages because the ego wants to get in there and take over, but much more a sense of sharing, sharing experience. And if that experience is to be shared, it is far more effective if you’re sharing it, as it were, at both ends of the journey that you are making, that you are sharing consciousness with those you’ve studied with in other star systems, that you’re with them and that you are holding their consciousness in yours, or they are sharing consciousness through you as part of your presence. And that your presence then is in a sense filled with the love, the light, the wisdom of multitudes of beings. And as you do that, and at the same time also continue to focus as best you can through all of the challenges on the ultimately infinite beauty of every human being, and allow yourself to experience that more and more, you as the starseed become not so much a pioneer in alien territory, but a doorway, a living doorway that fulfils a profound and important purpose at this time, which is that those who regard Earth as home and those who regard or experience other stars as home increasingly come together. Increasingly there is a simple sharing of friendship.

We can start with that word – that you have so many friends, as human beings in the Universe, and for a while, for all kinds of reasons, your experience as humanity has been of comparative isolation, so that the lived experience at the physical level has been, as I’ve indicated a few moments ago, that the Universe is impossibly large, that you are immutably isolated, that you sink or swim all alone here on this little planet far away in a corner of the Universe. And there’s been value in that way of looking at it; you learn, as I was suggesting earlier, as the individual, as humanity. You learn a lot about yourselves when you have that sense that it’s kind of up to you, that no one else is going to do it for you. But now there is this shift and the sense that the Universe is impossibly vast – vast, yes, impossibly vast, absolutely not, no.

You have within you the seeds of knowing how not just to connect and to feel the energy of beings you love in other places, other states of the Universe, but to be with them in a more real sense. That’s some way down the line. There’s no hurry to get there. For the moment developing this sense of being in a friendly Universe and that friendship being manifested in part, and in a very important part, through beings who are not really that dissimilar to you. So appreciate that part of your experience of being a starseed can have been that your physical body, your physical form, if it was really a physical form at all, may have been quite a lot different from the body that you’ve got here on Earth. But that’s a different story really. We don’t need to bother with that very much within the context of this talk, just to say that as a being, you have a real flexibility. There are so many different ways that you as a being can manifest. And so it’s also helpful (this is what I will draw from the point I’ve just been making) to recognise that aliens can look very different to you and not really be alien at all. They’re just wearing a different suit, and it’s kind of like that.

Let’s then draw to a close here by saying indeed, in the way that the term is quite often used, there are a lot of starseeds on the Earth at the moment. And there’s a range, so there’ll be some who’ve a lot of experience of being human, but also in other modes of their existence have spent very considerable times in other star systems. There’s a huge variety. There’s not one fixed pattern here. You can find a lot of beings who’ve studied, in particular, in relationship to Earth, in the wisdom schools of Sirius and the wisdom schools of the Pleiades. But there are many, many, many, many other variations on this. Part of the beauty of witnessing humanity in this age is that you come together as humans, but such a rich variety of backgrounds at this time. Some of you have come from far beyond this Galaxy in order to be here in human form and have picked up studies of the local flora and fauna, we might say, as you’ve travelled into this reality. For others, as I say, predominantly it might be that you have had many, many, many lifetimes here on Earth, but you’ve also taken time out to study in other places so that it gives you a broader perspective, so that you can come to the changing world that you’re living in now with that dual background, a lot of solid experience of being human through all that humanity’s been through. And at the same time this other perspective, these different understandings that you bring in beautifully.

But then there can be others, less common but they’re here, who’ve really not experienced Earth before. Studied, studied often in very good simulations, or the equivalent – what you would call simulations in human terms – got the feel of the simulation that I’m talking about, more like the feel of the energies that constitute the Earth plane, getting familiar with those. It’s never quite the same thing when you actually come here. But you can have a lot of experience viewing the world from outside, this world from outside. And often those beings will come in with really quite highly evolved skill sets. And their challenge is first of all, of course, to adjust to being human, then to keep intact those skill sets that they have, and then to find a language, a way of translating them into the reality of the Earth plane. But a great deal of preparation goes into this kind of work.

So starseeds can have a very wide range of backgrounds and experiences and purposes. That’s part of how it’s all organised; so that the field, if you like, of all the endeavours that are asked for at this time to help humanity to evolve, they’re all covered. There is a complete range of the appropriate skills. So that’s there. But then really to close by coming back to what I began with: certainly that emphasis on the equality of all beings. Secondly, the encouragement to know that whatever your background, you’re at home here. And if you don’t feel at home here, learn to be at home here. Begin by looking around and finding what you can love and build on that. And if you can’t find something to love in the Earth’s plane reality with, for example, the astonishing beauty of the natural world, then look after yourself. Be kind to yourself, nurse yourself back into wellbeing.

And then understand too that though, if you’ve experienced yourself as a starseed, I’m suggesting that you come in with a purpose, you come in to help, you have probably come in with a great deal of training and skill, but understand that all of that is delivered through you, being you, living your life, you listening to the inner voice of your own inspiration. You’re not a puppet. If you’re a starseed, you haven’t been sent here to be operated on by some puppet master on a distant star system. It’s not work like that. You have free will and whatever your purpose, whatever your training might be, it comes out through the ordinary day-to-day lived experience of being you, following your dreams, listening to your inner voice, growing in wisdom, just as best you can. And the best you can is through every experience you have in this life. So do understand also that in a sense, being a starseed is very ordinary. That is to say starseed or not starseed, you live your purpose through the ordinary business of living your life. Being you is a huge part of the gift that you bring to the Earth plane, whatever your background is. And ultimately, you are one with all living beings. So again, it doesn’t matter whether you’re a starseed or not a starseed, just know that you are a beautiful presence on Earth, and that means you are a manifestation of infinite beauty. And be happy about that. And thank you for listening.

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