Heaven on Earth

teachings from the realms of light for a life of joy


Often known as the Seven Sisters, one myth tells that the Pleiades were the daughters of Atlas (who carried the heavens upon his shoulders). In order to escape from the hunter Orion’s desire for them they turned into doves and flew into the sky to become the stars we see now.

For the Inuit, however, the Pleiades were a group of hunters and dogs who chased a bear out onto the ice and on up into the sky where it became Ursa Major; they chase it still.  In Sweden they were once known as Suttjenes Rauko (Fur in Frost), referring to a servant turned out in the cold by his master; perhaps the sparkling stars with their background nebulosity reminded them of ice crystals catching the light on a fur coat.

Many cultures have given the Pleiades great significance. Early Arabic astronomers gave Alcyone names meaning Central One, Bright One and Walnut. For Indians it was Arundhati, wife of Vashishtha or Brahma who with their six sons are the seven rishis who make up the seven stars of the Plough.  The name Alcyone was thought by the ancient Greeks be connected with Halcyon, the kingfisher.  In one of their myths Alcyone lost her husband in a storm at sea and the gods, taking pity on them both, changed them into kingfishers.  Ever since there have been seven days of calm, the halcyon days, around the winter solstice.

Over many generations a group of Pleiadian beings associated with Alcyone have been holding a focus for humanity, a vision of the peaceful and fluent transformation of human consciousness to its next level. They have a particular interest in the development of new, more open and flowing forms of thought. In the Halls of Learning there is a room with an etheric model of the Earth at its heart.  Here this group study the unfolding of the blueprint for the Earth and use their wisdom, their light and their love to transmit through this etheric model to the consciousness of humanity forms of light that, on the principle of resonance, facilitate our journey along our own highest path without altering its direction, just as a catalyst accelerates chemical change without altering its outcome.

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