Heaven on Earth

teachings from the realms of light for a life of joy

The Guides - 1

FYG mp3

Friendship with Your Guides

Part 9: Freedom

You and your guide share the same purpose. Two beautiful beings creating an alliance, two ends of a bridge across which light and love from the Source of All may flow abundantly into your world. To be a bridge is a very fine thing, but a bridge is fixed, you holding one end, your guide the other. How is it possible to have such a purpose and be free? After all, you might wish to be free of any purpose, however good or uplifting. Might you not say, “I just want to play. Let others have purposes”? It might be hard for you to imagine being simultaneously completely free and wholly committed to a purpose.

But for your guide it is normal. In a few words it describes the nature of your guide’s existence. For your guide there is no contradiction in dedication to a purpose and complete freedom. Your guide is like a compass needle that points towards the Source of All. He or she could only point in another direction through the action of some external force. And since for your guide there is no other force in the Universe but the Source of All, such a condition cannot arise.

So the compass needle that is your guide experiences total freedom in being free to be her or his own nature, to do what a compass needle does: to point the true direction. But a compass is for use. You might imagine that a compass is never happier than in the hands of an explorer, helping her find her way through jungles, over mountains, across oceans.  So it is for your guide, free to be his or her true nature and fulfilling that nature by expressing it for the benefit of others.

Such freedom is also yours, and it is part of your guide’s purpose to help you know it, not as an idea or belief, but as your lived experience. You are releasing your inner light to be present in the life you are living. In doing so you are discovering more of your freedom. It takes considerable energy to compress your light into a limited idea of yourself, and then to sustain it takes more energy, an ongoing drain. Your guide comes like a free player in a game of statues, where you pretend to be frozen still as stone until a touch frees you to move again. Now imagine that you have been a statue for quite a while; it’s not surprising if you find yourself a little numb or feeling pins and needles as your circulation restores itself.

Although you are in essence a wholly free being, it can take time to realise it when you are adopting a human form and living a human life. Just as a child playing statues will do his best to be still, you being human have done your best to obey what you have believed to be the rules of the human game. But you also chose to be born into a time when the rules are due for an upgrade. They were only meant for a particular time frame, not all time. 

Part of how your guide helps you is by facilitating a standing back, so that you may gain an overview of what it is to be human, both at the personal and at the collective level. As humanity you are experiencing the restlessness that comes with change. You find yourselves between longing to hold to the old familiar rules, even if they are not very comfortable, and reaching into the unknown to discover how to live a human life afresh. 

Your guides support you in this. Their motivation is very simple. They love their lives and know that this can be your own experience, not only in your special, up times, but all the while. By guiding you into the sea of consciousness and on to that state we might by analogy call the sky above the sea, they are introducing you to the natural state of bliss that is theirs.This is not an alien space to you. So when we speak of guiding you there, it is much more that we remind you of what is already yours. 

As guides we see your energy field clearly and in great detail. Put simply, you might imagine your energy field as like a complex, ever-changing web of light. Each of you has distinctive characteristics that make you who you are. To recognise the freedom of your divine self your energy field needs sufficient fineness to hold the frequencies of the Divine comfortably. Developing that fineness has, in this age, two principle phases: mending and building. These are not mutually exclusive; in practice each will always contain elements of the other. 

But often your guide will first help you mend. From the guide’s point of view this is a process of restoring missing strands of light, disentangling threads, decompressing areas where the light has lost flow and so on. In other words your guide is a little like a weaver preparing yarn. From your point of view, this is you healing past trauma, making peace with your life, finding ways to accept what is and to release what is not needed. This stage does not need to be completed for the next stage to begin. 

For your guide the next stage is more like weaving. The yarn is prepared, and a beautiful fabric that will shimmer in the light can be woven. It is you who does the weaving, you who designs the fabric. You are the loom as well. When you are healing, it is you who is the healer. Your guide is like someone holding a steady light by which a surgeon may see. When you are building your light or weaving fresh light into the fabric of your being, your guide’s role is a little different, not so much the light holder now, but a living library of light to which you may refer. Now your guide holds a mirror in which you may see your own light more easily and rediscover its limitless resources.

All that inner work in which your guide supports you, healing and building, enables your divine self to emerge more and more. Your light is able to sustain the experience of your divine essence. It becomes sufficiently present for you to embody your own divinity. This too is a process. The embodiment is not absolute but progresses as you progress through life. The choices you make offer you greater or less freedom and you find out through continual experiments which choices open up your life to greater joy and which tend to close it down.

It might be a useful reminder that there are no wrong choices here. Your guides live joyfully. They know that this is available for you too. But they also know that if you are to know the freedom of living the joy of your divine essence, you must know the freedom of making choices. Some choices work better than others, but all lead to the Source of All. 

Your heart centre is one of the most effective doorways through which your divine self may enter your world. In the process of becoming human you have placed limitations upon it, restricting the frequency ranges you can perceive and consciously relate to. One fundamental reason for the rich variety of experiences you draw to you in this life is to give yourself the opportunity to widen the range across which you can feel unconditional love. Those annoying or difficult people you encounter are displaying frequencies that you are still adjusting to. Ultimately you will be at peace with all beings, for all come from the Source which you yourself are learning to embody.

As you accompany your guide into a closer relationship with Source, lifting above the sea of consciousness and bathing in the light of the Central Spiritual Sun, you have the opportunity to witness your heart centre freeing itself from those limitations you employed in order to focus your energy into a human presence located in a specific time and place. Your heart centre reveals its capacity to open to more and more of the frequencies emanating from the Source. In doing so it continues its work of freeing you from those old limitations, of reminding you that you are love.

The inner journeys and talks

Watch the introductory talk here or listen to it on the media player below

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Music by Thaddeus: Journey 17 – Songs of the One Suite 2; Journey 18 – Spinning Wheel of Light / Light Emerging


Talk 9

Visiting your guide’s state of consciousness can help you appreciate your own being more fully.

Journey 17 – Being Free

Floating above the sea of consciousness with your guide, you can increase your conscious awareness of the Source of All. 

Journey 18 – Opening to Source

Bathing in the light of the Central Spiritual Sun, you can observe your heart centre responding to transmissions from the Source of All.

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