Heaven on Earth

teachings from the realms of light for a life of joy

The Guides - 1

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Friendship with Your Guides

Part 11: Oneness

The greatest help you receive in this life is not from your guides, but from one another. We, your guides, can help and we love to. But all we can do is to shine a light on your own wisdom. Implementing that wisdom is your job and, even though you do much by yourselves, if you pause and consider, you will find that almost everything you do involves the help of others in one way or another. And the help you give one another is very great.

Part of our role is to draw your attention to help you may be less aware of, still human but more out of sight. You are connected with everyone on Earth and most of those connections are submerged or behind the scenes. But every connection is real and all have an effect. It is easy to imagine that differences of language, race, nationality, political and religious affiliation and so on, all play a part in creating distance between you and those you share the world with. On the inner planes none of these things make the slightest difference. You have seen how fragments of coloured stone can make up a beautiful mosaic. The individual stones, you might say, know their neighbours, but nothing of the picture they are contributing to. Our job is to help you see that picture.

Closeness is important. Those neighbours you draw into your life, whether family, friends, colleagues or  community, the ones with whom you interact each day, are not there by chance. You have drawn each other, for a few weeks or for many years, and through your proximity you help each other to learn and grow. The love you share is like the mortar that holds adjacent pieces of the mosaic together. Your proximity enriches your lives and together you create something more than the randomness of coincidence. You are precious to each other, and in that preciousness you can reveal the divine you witness in them, as they can for you.

But this gift you have does not cease with physical distance. What is true of those you are literally close to is true for all. On the inner planes all are close. Every thought, every action of yours affects all beings. More than that, each action and thought affects all beings equally, regardless of whether you consider them close or distant. 

This can be hard to grasp. It may feel fundamentally improbable. You know from lived experience that your mood affects those you share your life with, and conversely that someone living the other side of the world, whom you have never met or even heard of, can surely not be influenced by your happiness or sadness. 

Now consider what is happening in the sea of consciousness. You are one with the sea, creating choices and following paths in your interaction with it. You select individually by mutual agreement those you will focus on. These are the ones you are close to. You feel their presence and they feel yours intimately and immediately. But the ripples of your interactions do not cease with these individual connections. There is neither friction nor inertia in the sea of consciousness; nothing slows down the movement of your energy waves. Unlike sound waves in a physical world, they do not fade out with distance. The momentum of your presence is continuous and unceasing.

In the sea of consciousness you are equally connected with all beings; you are the sea. The only difference between those you know personally, your circle of acquaintance, and those you do not, is that you witness more directly the influence you have with those who are close than you do with those who are unknown to you. Because it is less obvious, humanity has tended to ignore those influences that are further off and cannot be readily ascribed to named sources. 

If you affect all beings, then all beings affect you. Most of the time you have ascribed the general effects sweeping through the sea of consciousness, like ocean currents, to that known being or group of beings who stand in the direction of the current you are feeling. That current has flowed through them and they have manifested it for you. Now you are opening to new ways of understanding yourselves as part of the oneness.  These ways are kinder and more generous. You start with oneness, rather than working your way towards it. You more readily recognise that you are responsible as a contributor to all human experience.

With this understanding comes a deeper appreciation of yourself. As a drop in the sea of consciousness, you are neither less nor more than any other being. Your essence is divine as is the essence of all others. When you encounter painful behaviour you recognise it as a manifestation of the whole that you are free to respond to in the way you find wisest. In our experience, the wisest response to all experience is unconditional love. This is challenging. You know that being unconditionally loving in all circumstances and to all beings is not always easy or straightforward. Indeed, it may sometimes have felt too close to condoning to be acceptable to you.  

Behaviours are like radio broadcasts. You modulate the underlying carrier wave of your divinity with your behaviours: all of your thoughts, feelings and actions. The carrier wave remains intact always. All of your experiences are designed by you to reveal to yourself more of the infinite beauty of your divine essence. You experiment and through your experiments you discover. You need not judge yourself or another is some experiments work better than others. When you focus on the divine in yourself or another you are helping remind yourself and all others of the purpose of existence.

Consider yourself now, as you read, part of the sea of consciousness. Be kind to yourself. Allow yourself to feel safe and fearless. It is our wish to help you know how deeply you are loved. There is no limit to the love that the Source of All has for you and you are an embodiment of that love. You are given a location in time and space and anchored in matter so that you may renew the love inherent in matter and help it too to know that it is a manifestation of love.

All the intricacies of life, the problems, challenges, defeats and victories, all the bliss and blessings and all the trouble, are only an exploration of what is is to be. Those who seem other are only you in disguise. No other being deserves or needs your fear. You need not fear the consequences of your presence in the world, the outward flow of your expression of beingness. You are not a stranger in a strange land. You are home here.

When we speak to you of the intimacy of your connection with all beings and suggest to that your lightest thought affects all life, this is true. But this also is true: what effects others is your presence. Your words, deeds, thoughts and feelings simply reveal your presence. They say ‘I too am here’. They reveal the love you bring from Source, sometimes easily and with great clarity, sometimes perhaps it has been that what you have broadcast to the world has been less clear, less openly revealing of its underlying love. If so, you have learnt and continue to learn to allow your inherent grace to guide you fuller expressions of your divine essence.

The inner journeys and talks

Watch the introductory talk here or listen to it on the media player below

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Music by Thaddeus: Journey 21 – Sacred Journey; Journey 22 – Songs of the One Suite 1.


Talk 11

We have witnessed to oneness the community of guides experience with one another. We can develop oneness with each other on Earth.

Journey 21 – Joining with Others

You are helped to explore the network of light, of which you are part,  developing here on Earth, so that you may know more of the connections and flows by which you both give and receive help.

Journey 22 – Trusting the Universe

Sananda brings together you guides light of support with the light of grace so that you may allow them to merge in your heart centre.

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