Heaven on Earth

teachings from the realms of light for a life of joy

The Guides - 1

FYG mp3

Friendship with Your Guides

Part 10: Support

You are free and your guide’s role is to support you in discovering your freedom. You might liken your guide to a swimming instructor, gently supporting you with a single hand as you become confident in your own ability to swim. Your guide is helping you to trust yourself. This is one reason why your guide’s touch is light: to yell instructions in your ear is not a very good way of encouraging self-confidence. 

You may have noticed that you can float in the sea quite easily when you are relaxed, but if you become tense and begin to panic that ability seems to disappear. What makes the difference? The buoyancy of your body hasn’t changed, but your relationship with the water has. When you are relaxed you naturally respond to the water with a degree of grace. You trust the water and yourself in relationship to it. Rather than feeling at odds with the water, you feel in harmony with it. 

So it is with the sea of consciousness, the totality of all lived and potential experience. As you develop a trust of your own being in its harmonious relationship with the sea of consciousness, fear recedes. Fear is always fear of the other, or what is perceived as other, and greater awareness within the sea of consciousness reveals with increasing clarity that there is no other, however powerfully your experience of the outer world might suggest it. 

That supportive hand of the swimming instructor is doing little physically. Its most important function is to communicate confidence. There is an energy of confidence, support and trust that a good instructor communicates to the student. As guides we generate this energy with you. It has its own distinctive frequency patterns. You can sense these using your inner senses or through their effect upon your energy field, particularly the emotional body. Put simply, these energies help you feel good.

Feeling good helps you fulfil your purpose. You came to bring peace to Earth. Not all by yourself, of course, but to contribute with so many others to creating harmonies. You start by doing this within yourself: every moment in which you feel at peace with yourself is contributing to peace on Earth. Each of you makes a unique contribution. It is best to let go of the habit of comparing yourself to others, for  you are literally incomparable. 

In preparation for this lifetime you selected particular energy patterns to explore, like an artist selected a palette of colours. Some patterns are beautifully harmonious right from the start, others are more disparate, not so easy to resolve into harmony with one another. You draw to you experiences that offer opportunities to create harmonies. Each time time you discover harmony with yourself, you offer that to the world. 

Sometimes it is easy and quick to bring different frequency patterns into harmony, others may take longer and ask you to revisit them many times. Never be hard on yourself, if you find an old issue resurfacing or apparently resisting all your attempts to resolve it. Instead let yourself be pleased with each step forward and patient with yourself when your path feels rocky, steep or blocked.

As you bring greater harmony to all the disparate energy patterns you gathered together for this lifetime you become a clearer conduit for the light of grace to flow into your life and through you into the world you inhabit and share. This light you wished to help bring to the world; it is an important part of why you chose to be on Earth at this time.

You are becoming a conduit for grace to flow into your world. There has been so much suffering that it started to ricochet round the world, an echo that threatened to grow louder instead of fading out. You responded by taking on unresolved issues, so that through you the light of grace might flow into the world and bring healing and a peacefulness for humanity. Whatever issues you have found yourself dealing with are both relevant to you and your growth,  but also a means by which you could bring light into this world. 

We love to support you for your own sake. When we speak of your role in bringing light to the world, it is not to explain why we support you, but to remind you that you also support. You support not only through your actions in helping others and yourself, but through your presence. This may be more difficult to appreciate. Actions come and go; it is easier to notice at least some of the difference they make. But your presence is for all your life. While you are here it will never go away. Therefore it might seem impossible to tell what difference your presence makes. 

Part of our function as guides is to help you know your own presence and what it does in the world. Understanding the nature of your presence can be liberating for you. It helps you let go of the need to assess your worth by listing your good deeds, for instance. It allows you to appreciate the essence of your being and in doing so you are connecting with your divine self. As you allow your actions in the world to be more and more guided by your divine essence you are fulfilling your own deepest purpose.

We help you to know more of your essence by being with you. The presence of your guide is like a mirror; whatever you find beautiful in your guide is present in you also. We hold light around you that enables you expand beyond limitations. The limitations are the boundaries of the human energy field that you have constructed. Your presence has no limitations: you are, and you need no definition. As you open into the light we hold around you, you are like a flower opening. You might imagine that a flower only discovers its true nature by opening, and so it is for you. The opening of the flower of your being is itself an act of grace. It is you bringing grace into the world.

The inner journeys and talks

Watch the introductory talk here or listen to it on the media player below

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Music by Thaddeus: Journey 19 – Spiritual Sun Lifting; Journey 20 – Temple Gardens


Talk 10

One of the most important ways your guide helps you is by giving you support through his or her energy and presence. 

Journey 19 – Understanding Support

In the space of friendship you develop your connection with your own guide and the community of beings of light who hold this space in their awareness. As you move into the sea of consciousness these connections develop into the energy of support.

Journey 20 – Playing with Your Guide

In the sea of consciousness your guide helps you explore your potential for play and creativity, then accompanies you into a space where you may bathe in the light of grace.

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