Heaven on Earth

teachings from the realms of light for a life of joy

Welcome Series: 3

Welcome to Your Guardian Angel

W003 mp3

Introduction to the course

The background

This series, each with two guided meditations or inner journeys, is designed to help you on your path of spiritual growth. Whether you regard yourself as a beginner or as someone already well along your path, these meditations can take you into beautiful inner spaces and create profound shifts. As you listen Sananda is transmitting frequencies specifically for you at your current stage of growth.

The series introduces many beings and states of consciousness that can assist you on your journey of enlightenment. Even where these are familiar to you, you may find fresh insights and a deeper sense of connection developing for you as you use these inner journeys.

Heaven on Earth also offers further courses that build on this series.

Introduction from Sananda

Your guardian angel is an aspect of your beingness that has stayed close to the Source of All.  As you journeyed outwards from Source to explore to the richness of the manifest universe your guardian angel evolved into finer and finer expressions of itself by mirroring all that it discovered of the Source.  In its role of guardianship it carries its understanding of divinity into your reality, permeating with ease the underlying structures of time and space and matter to be present with you always.

Generally your guardian angel will watch over you without intervening; it brings you support, love and messages from the Source, and will always respond to your requests for help.  Only occasionally in their lives have people experienced the direct intervention of their guardian angels; but in this age this too is changing.  The veils that have kept you from easily connecting with your guardian angel are thinner now, and more of the light within matter is being revealed.  As this happens it is easier for you to focus steadily on the shimmer of your guardian angel and experience more direct communication.

Now your guardian angel helps to usher into your life more angelic presences who come to help in the next stage of human evolution by holding a steady and inspiring vision of you all realising your highest potential, both individually and collectively.  Your guardian angel is an old friend coming to introduce you to many new friends.

Introduction from Christopher

What is an angel?

Angels are beings of light who have consciously chosen to be aligned at all times and in all ways with the Source of All.  They recognise that no greater joy exists for them.  They enter our world in service, to help, to guide, to support and to bring the light of the Source into our lives.

Accounts of angels (the word derives from the Ancient Greek for messenger) are found in many different cultures and faiths around the world.  Often they are pictured as having wings, perhaps as a way of expressing their freedom and their origin in the Higher Realms. Many stories are hold of wonderful or miraculous interventions by angels, stepping in to save lives or provide vital guidance.  Many have seen them as playing a special role at the time of transition from this life into the next, helping us to adjust to becoming non-physical beings.

In many traditions angels are thought of as belonging to particular orders, each with its own purpose.  In this context guardian angels can be thought of as belonging to an order devoted to helping and safeguarding each individual on the planet.

Who is my guardian angel?

Your guardian angel is your own special angel; a consciousness of light who has undertaken to watch over you as you make your journey back to the Source of All.  You might think of your guardian angel as a living conduit of Divine love and light, connecting you to the Source and helping you to find that love and light in your own life.

How will I know my guardian angel?

Much of the time you may have had the sense that your guardian angel is in the background, a presence you imagine more readily than directly feel.  Angelic energies are very fine indeed, and so somewhat elusive to our external senses.  Even our inner senses may benefit from help and practice before it feels natural or second nature to be aware of this presence.  It is the purpose of these meditations to make it easier for you to recognise the presence of your guardian angel and to feel at home with it.

What are the energy centres mentioned in the meditations?

These energy centres (sometimes also called chakras, after the Sanskrit word for wheel) are non-physical, but exert an influence on all of your bodies, physical, emotional and mental, as well as spiritual.  They could be thought of as one of the principal organising forces within our bodies.  Traditionally there are said to be seven main centres, each with its own group of functions.  In these meditations your attention is drawn to the following centres:

Heart –  at the level of the heart and in the centre of the chest.

Third eye – between the brows.

Throat – in or close to the voice box, in your lower throat. 

Crown – at the top of the head.

In addition the core of light is mentioned.  This can be thought of as a column of light – it can be very slender or quite wide – running vertically through the centre of your body and linking all the main energy centres. 


A reminder: Do not listen while driving.
Since these meditations may take you into deep states of relaxation, do not listen to them when driving or doing anything, such as operating machinery, that requires you to be alert and focused on the outer world.

The inner journeys

Before listening, choose a time when you can be relaxed and undisturbed for about half an hour.  Notice your posture; sit with your spine comfortably erect.  If you prefer, you can listen lying down, again with your spine comfortably straight.  As you listen you will be receiving many transmissions of light and love from your guardian angel and from Sananda.  After the meditation finishes you may like to spend a few minutes absorbing your experiences as you come back fully to the outer world.  Listening to these meditations several times is likely to enhance their effect.  Trust your intuition in choosing when and how often you listen to each one.  You will find further suggestions in the What’s next? section.

Listen or download

Track 1: Meeting Your Guardian Angel

Sananda talks about your guardian angel as he guides you to your own experience of this presence.  In the meditation you are embraced by the love of your guardian angel and invited to enter a vision of paradise.

Music: Guardian Angels from Angels 

Track 2: Merging Consciousness with Your Guardian Angel

With the help of your soul you are guided to receive transmissions of light from your guardian angel which spiral around your core of light and help you to merge consciousness.   

Music: Angels of Divine Love from Awakening Your Heart Center

Download all the recordings and the notes in the format of your choice

All Recordings and Notes
Notes (A4)
Notes (US Letter)

What’s next?

After you have listened several times to these meditations, practise using these skills without the recording.  Give yourself time (perhaps longer than when you are using the recording) to become centred and relaxed.  Though your mind may not become completely still, let your thoughts settle.  Inwardly invite your guardian angel to draw closer and to begin to merge her or his light and love with your own.  Notice what this feels like.  Challenge yourself to notice slight shifts and nuances of energy. Feel free to communicate with your guardian angel. You may discover that the ways in your guardian angel communicates with you are subtle and very rich.  Notice what changes after such communications.  As you explore, your relationship with your guardian angel will deepen. Practise finding your guardian angel’s presence in your daily life.  You may have a sense of your guardian close by you, perhaps at your side or standing behind or in front of you.  The light of which your guardian angel is made can help you to feel inner peace, oneness and connection with Source.

You may like to explore how you can draw more fully on your guardian angel’s support and wisdom.  This can flow into your life in many ways, so be alert to possible ways in which your guardian angel is helping you that you may have been unaware of until now.   For instance, what are the qualities of light you associate with your guardian angel?  Find those same qualities in yourself.

If you enjoyed this course you might also enjoy:

Welcome to Your Guide  [W001]

Welcome to Your Soul  [W002]

Special thanks to Sanaya Roman and Thaddeus for permission to use the music on these recordings. You can buy this music through www.orindaben.com.

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