teachings from the realms of light

Helping the Planet Series: 1

Cleansing the Ocean with a Net of Light

Introduction to the course

The background

This course is one of a series entitled Helping the Planet.  Each course is complete in itself and teaches skills that you can add to whatever other ways you enjoy using, whether practical or spiritual, to help the Earth at this time of great change.  An underlying principle to all of these courses is that any help you offer to the Earth and those who share the planet with us also brings growth to you. 

In each course you are guided to focus on aspects of your own inner light and as you do so your light becomes more available to you and your radiance grows.  As your radiance increases it is important to be able to place it in the world, for the light of your being has consciousness and it loves to serve.  Offering your radiance to the Earth can be a wonderful way of fulfilling this purpose and enhancing your light further.   


In this course you are guided to focus the radiance of your own inner light to place it in the world, for the light of your being has consciousness and it loves to serve. Offering your radiance to the Earth can be a wonderful way of fulfilling this purpose and enhancing your own light further.

Though the primary emphasis in this series of meditations is upon service to the Earth, there is always going to be spiritual growth for you as well. Physically, after all, we are made of a high proportion of water. The net of light with which you help to cleanse the oceans, passes through the waters of your own being too.

Connect with angelic beings, whale consciousness, the soul of the Earth and the light of Sirius. 

Studying the course

Before listening to these inner journeys, choose a time when you can be relaxed and undisturbed.  Notice your posture; sit with your spine comfortably erect.  If you prefer, you can listen lying down, again with your spine comfortably straight.  As you listen you will be receiving many transmissions of light and love from Sananda.  After a journey finishes you may like to spend a few minutes absorbing your experiences as you come back fully to the outer world.  Listening to these inner journeys several times is likely to enhance their effect.  Trust your intuition in choosing when and how often you listen to each one.  

This course brings you together with many others on the inner planes to share in bringing healing to humanity’s past. This makes it particularly suitable for group work. If you feel drawn to this, you might like to listen to the inner journeys with your own group and share your experiences together.  You’ll find further suggestions in the What’s next? section.

A reminder: Do not listen while driving.

Since these inner journeys may take you into deep states of relaxation, do not listen to them when driving or doing anything, such as operating machinery, that requires you to be alert and focused on the outer world.

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