Heaven on Earth

teachings from the realms of light for a life of joy

Part 6: Engagement

You have been exploring your connection with your guide. Your connection with the world may seem much more straightforward. The world is with you all the time in very obvious ways. You are so used to connecting with it that it is hard to imagine not connecting with it. For all that, there can be a mystery about how your connection with the world happens. 

It may be that connecting with your guide and connecting with the world are not fundamentally different. Suppose that everything is conscious, that even the most mundane object has a degree of consciousness. When you are connecting with that object, consciousness is connecting with consciousness. Two points of focus in the sea of consciousness are communicating, and if you sink deeper into consciousness you may find you are beginning to be in communion, just as you have been with your guide. 

In the sea of consciousness choices happen, for you live in a world of choice, though how choices happen and how they then manifest in your life may be mysterious. You enter the sea of consciousness with intention; it is written into the fabric of your being. You have a trajectory, just as anyone diving into water will have. The combination of your presence and your purpose creates engagement. From engagement choices arise: you are present and you are moving, and you move this way, but not that way.

For a while the collective choice of humanity has been to make choices from the level of the personality self. Now you find yourselves in an age when the feedback the world gives you is suggesting that there may be a better way. As an individual this may have been clear to you for a long time. Indeed if you are reading these words it is likely that developing your connection with your guide is just one of the ways in which you are contributing to a shift in consciousness for humanity. 

Your guide’s light spreads around you in the sea of consciousness, helping you to see more clearly. Another way of expressing that is to say that your guide’s light draws your attention to your own light, and it is by your own light that you see more clearly. Seeing more clearly does not, however, necessarily mean you find instant answers to your questions. Indeed you may find that you see more possible answers, for as you extend awareness into the sea of consciousness, you engage with a larger range of viewpoints. 

An increased capacity to see other viewpoints is part of the shift from making personality-based choices to making choices for the highest good of all. This does not mean that all the choices of the personality self are automatically selfish. But the personality self sees itself as highly practical. It is built from a library of past experiences and solutions based on those experiences that worked at the time. In effect it is always out of date. However good its intentions it turns out to be not very good at responding to the now. Its instinct is to look it up in the library, and the one thing you can never find in the library, designed as it is for storing past knowledge, is the now.

Expanding awareness into the sea of consciousness can help to soften the grip of the personality self on choice-making. Rather than seeing yourself as a self-protecting organism in a dangerous world, which tends to be a default position for the personality, it becomes easier to recognise yourself as a continuous presence for whom the world of time, space and matter is only one avenue of expression. You travel that avenue with intention and, while you may have many intentions that are special to you, we may say that all are covered by the one intention of becoming more fully alive.

Explore letting go of any need to name your purpose, or feeling that you should be able to. Ultimately your purpose is beyond all words. Meanwhile enjoy playing with local purpose, like ‘today I choose to do this’. Gradually these many local purposes build like strands building a rope. As you swim in the sea of consciousness you may find that something similar is happening. You are drawn to whatever appeals to you, whatever in the moment you find beautiful. Because you cannot as yet tell exactly how the choices you make in the sea of consciousness will manifest in the outer world, you are free from the personality self’s dictation. It has no means of control. It feels all at sea, because it is.

Understand from this that if sometimes in your developing relationship with your guide and in your explorations of the sea of consciousness, you feel confused, uncertain or all at sea, these may be no more than the messages your personality is relaying to you, and that you yourself are doing well. Confusion is not endless. In this world the inner confusion of which we speak ends with action. No matter how uncertain your inner dialogue may maintain that you are, at some point you take action in the world. Action is definite; you have made a choice and the action reveals it. By doing ‘this’, you are abandoning all the ‘thats’ which were available to you.

As you develop this ability to permit inward understanding in the moment and a willingness to allow that understanding to flow into action, you find yourself in the flow of light that is moving into your reality, bringing transformation to human consciousness. Let there be no particular timescale for this. It is easiest to let it take as long as it takes, for giving it a timetable takes you back into the rule of the personality self. 

This relaxed attitude also allows you multiple time frames. You are the transformation at every stage of itself. Simultaneously you may know yourself to be a new expanded consciousness, while contributing to its creation moment by moment, and even witnessing this change from somewhere beyond all change. 

You are also coming to share more of your guide’s consciousness and, in doing so, accessing more of your guide’s understanding. All the while your guide’s light is offered. As you accept this light your understanding changes in the ways we have begun to sketch in here. Your guide does not direct you, but opens the door to new ways of being. You are the one who chooses. Your guide reveals new ways of making those choices. 

Your guide’s light is very stable. On the earth plane you have known much fear. You find it endemic in humanity. But your guide knows no fear, for fear is only the absence of love and for your guide love is everywhere always. But out of a deep love for you, your guide reaches to you like a loving parent soothing a child awaking from a nightmare. The parent has not had the nightmare, but readily feels for the child in her fear. 

The personality self, because it can not be truly in the present, is always in a state of fear, sometimes more, sometimes less. For the personality this present moment contains the possibility of ambush. The personality cannot wholly occupy it; it has dark corners that the personality feels obliged to fear. Your guide encourages you to know that your light reaches everywhere. There are no dark corners, for your light flows easily into the unknown and touches the wonders that it draws to you.

The inner journeys and talks

Watch the introductory talk here or listen to it on the media player below

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Music by Thaddeus: Journey 11 – Manifesting Potential Consciousness in Motion; Journey 12 – Ever Unfolding Expansion


Talk 6
Connecting with your guide and engaging with the world involve similar skills.
Journey 11 – Engaging with Your World

Your guide helps you explore the sea of consciousness and the creation of experience.

Journey 12 – Understanding Your Purpose

Within the sea of consciousness you may observe how choice and direction relate to your purpose.

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