Heaven on Earth

teachings from the realms of light for a life of joy

Part 3: Being One

It can help to regard yourself and your guide as existing on a continuum. Violet and indigo are distinct colours, but when you look at a rainbow, who is to say where one ends and the other begins? Each of you is a distinct being, but if you wish to deepen your connection so that you may be helped to access more of your own wisdom, then allow the edges of your energy field to ‘feather’ rather than be absolute, fixed or rigid. 

Of course, it may be that you consider this an excellent idea and yet feel unsure how it might be accomplished. You may have learned that it is important to protect your integrity in an uncertain world, and found that one way to do this is by cultivating some imperviousness to other people’s energy. The prospect of relinquishing this skill, even in relation to a being you may hold in high regard, might generate some nervousness, and perhaps bring deep fears up to the surface.

You do not need to move suddenly from closed to wide open. Your energy field has something like an intelligence of its own. If you allow a little relaxation, a small step of trust, its surface changes from being like a shell to being more like a sense as delicate and responsive as the surface of your skin. It brings you information, it tells you whether another step into greater openness feels safe. In practice you are likely to find a lot of to and fro here, like a flower that opens when the sun comes out and closes again when the sun goes down. 

As you develop this skill (and every experience in this life offers you the opportunity) you may find that your sensing reaches past the surface of another being to include what lies beyond the surface, even to feeling more of the richness and complexity of another’s experience than they might currently recognise themselves. Developing such openness to what it is to be another goes hand in hand with a deepening compassion. 

Compassion does not judge. It is the nature of this world that judgement induces and increases separation. Seeing each other being without judgement liberates you from the need to declare yourself separate and defend your borders. Defending yourself takes a lot of energy and you are living in a time when such energy can be used more effectively. Redeploying that energy as awareness lightens your load; it brings a greater sense of aliveness. You are no longer under siege, but free to roam.

But is freedom to roam no more than freedom to run? Are you to relinquish the safety of the castle only to spend your life dodging arrows? You may say to yourself, ‘If I give up judging others, will they stop judging me?’ They may not. But if you are able to release judgement, you will find that this does not any longer matter. Others must do as they will. By converting the energy used for defence into greater awareness, it becomes easier to see where another’s attitude is coming from. You come to appreciate that all attack and defence is coming from a hurt. 

And this is true of you too. Your defence against the world, your shell of protection has been built out of your hurt. Compassion towards yourself brings healing to that hurt, and your guide can help you access the deeper compassion towards yourself that is of profound help at this time. Softening the boundary of your energy field even a little can set up a benign spiral, in which you opening to your guide enables your guide to help you to feel deeper love for the being you are, so that you may then more easily receive more of your guide’s gifts.  

Your connection with your guide is of light to light. As it deepens you are helped to know your Divine Self more, for light reveals your Divine Essence to you. That increasing trust in your own Divine Essence makes it natural to see more of the divine in others. Your perceptions are less deflected by the surface and penetrate more of the self within. Because of that deeper insight, it becomes easier for you to respond consciously to the energy another expresses into the world, rather than reacting from an old library of stock responses.

The movement of another’s energy towards you can be welcomed, for you see where it comes from and are less distracted by its outward forms. You increasingly recognise that you are part of all that is expressed; the energy of another is not ultimately other at all. All this comes as you relax into trusting yourself moving towards a oneness with your guide.

In this session you have the opportunity to take your connection with your guide a little further, letting your light merge with your guide’s from the points of connection. The companion journey helps you open to a deeper compassion towards yourself, which in turn makes the softening or feathering or your energy boundaries occur with an inward naturalness. 

The inner journeys and talks

Watch the introductory talk here or listen to it on the media player below

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Music by Thaddeus: Journey 5 – Ascent to Heaven; Journey 6 – Blending with Your Soul.


Talk 3
The advantages of you and your guide meeting as two beings of light.
Journey 5 – Sharing Light

In the space of friendship and using points of connection, you explore sharing light with your guide.

Journey 6 – Opening Your Heart

Observing your heart centre as having a consciousness of its own offers a way of allowing it to open beyond previous limitations.

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