Here you can find out more about creating cities of light.
Inner journeys
These three inner journeys introduce you to the energies of a City of Light. In them Sananda is preparing you for changes in consciousness that are coming over the next few years. These journeys are complete in themselves, but you may also like to read the article, Creating Cities of Light, which is also published in Paradigm Shift magazine.
You may download them free of charge. If you are sharing them please credit: Sananda, Christopher Sell, heaven-on-earth.co.uk and the music of Thaddeus from www.orindaben.com.
Please note: Since these inner journeys may take you into states of deep relaxation, do not listen to them when driving or doing anything, such as operating machinery, that requires you to be alert and focused on the outer world.
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Music by Thaddeus: Track 1: Spiritual Sun Opening from Spiritual Sun; Track 2: Light Emerging from Awakening Your Heart Center; Track 3: Spinning Wheel of Light from Awakening Your Heart Center.
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Sananda’s articles: You Are a Citizen of the Galaxy
1: Being Human
If you enjoyed these inner journeys
You may like to join the Creating a City of Light Group as a full member. You can participate in our monthly webinars, and listen to or download them later whenever you wish, as well as accessing previous webinars and articles. The subscription is £5 per month with an introductory offer of £2.50 for your first month. You can cancel your subscription at any time. Join here.