teachings from the realms of light

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Welcoming a Soulmate

Welcome a loving relationship into your life.

This course is designed to help you to connect with a soulmate on the inner planes, to build that relationship before you meet and to smooth the path that links you so that your journey to meeting and getting to know one another in the outer world is made easier. In each meditation Sananda guides you to connect with your soulmate and to come to know more of her or his love and light.

From Sananda’s introduction

The purpose of this course is to help you draw deep, loving and fulfilling relationships into your life. There are many kinds of soulmate relationship. It is likely that you have several in your life already.

Your soulmates are those with whom you made agreements before coming into this life, to help each other, to serve some shared purpose, to hold particular resonances of light and love here on the Earth plane.

Course materials

Six inner journeys and study notes. The recordings and notes can be downloaded as mp3 and pdf files.

Code: HT01

Accessing this course is simple.

Once you have purchased it, log in at https://www.heaven-on-earth.co.uk/my-heaven-on-earth/ and scroll down the My Heaven on Earth page to the How to… Series section and this course title and image.

Click on the See more… button and that will bring you to the course materials.

You can download these to your own device or you can study the course online.

Do I need to be an experienced meditator?

No. Trust that if you are drawn to this course, you can benefit from it. All you need is a willingness to set aside a little time for you.

How might I benefit from this course?

The course is designed to help you draw new relationships into your life and to deepen those you already have.

How long are the inner journeys?
Most of the inner journeys in Heaven on Earth courses are between 20 and 30 minutes long.

What is the background music to these journeys?
The music is by Michael Hammer. You can listen to or buy his music from www.michaelhammer.net.

Are there any follow-on courses to this one?
Use the categories or the tags to bring together courses on similar themes or topics. All are designed to help you on your path of spiritual growth.

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