Course Content
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Sananda holds a supportive space as you meet an unconditionally loving friend from the realms of light.
A connection with your guide can be a wonderful experience. Your guide loves you unconditionally and loves to help you develop your spiritual skills and your life skills. Guides work unobtrusively and kindly. They trust you to discover your own wisdom in your own way at your own pace. This is their purpose: to help you recognise and use the wisdom that is inherent within you.
Whether you already sense your guide’s presence in your life or not, you may like to join this course and take the next step in your relationship with your guide. Christopher talks about guides and channelling, and he channels Sananda leading you through some simple inner journeys to meet and come to know more of your guide’s love, light and wisdom.
Course materials
Three talks and three inner journeys. The recordings can be downloaded as mp3 files or a single zip file.
Accessing this course is simple.
Once you have purchased it, log in at and scroll down the My Heaven on Earth page to the Introductory Courses section and this course title and image.
Click on the See more… button and that will bring you to the course materials.
You can download these to your own device or you can study the course online.
Do I need to be an experienced meditator?
No. Trust that if you are drawn to this course, you can benefit from it. All you need is a willingness to set aside a little time for you.
How might I benefit from this course?
It may help you increase in self-acceptance and love, and to become more aware of the angels in your life.
How long are the inner journeys?
Most of the inner journeys in Heaven on Earth courses are between 20 and 30 minutes long.
What is the background music to these journeys?
The music we use is by Thaddeus, an angelic being channelled by Sanaya Roman. You can listen to or buy their music from
Are there any follow-on courses to this one?
Use the categories or the tags to bring together courses on similar themes or topics. All are designed to help you on your path of spiritual growth.
You must log in and have started this course to submit a review.
© Christopher Sell 2023
Made with ❤ by Heaven on Earth
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