Heaven on Earth

teachings from the realms of light for a life of joy

Initiation of Solar Fire

Part 1: Becoming an Initiate

Introduction from Sananda

Welcome to this course. In it you will learn many new skills that help you enjoy life on Earth more fully as you manifest your higher purpose with greater ease. You entered this reality through the light of the Sun, gathering together the energy forms that became the template for your human presence. You have felt drawn to this course because you have recognised a call to engage with the soul of the Sun afresh, to discover more of the being that you are and to learn new ways of manifesting your presence on Earth.

You come from a background of deep love: the love that the Earth and the Sun have for one another. You are an expression of that love. Through you a deep purpose is being fulfilled; over aeons of time the matter of the planet and the fire of the Sun merge into oneness. Ultimately all becomes light; the light from which matter comes returns to light. You are a precious part of this process. As you discover and reveal the light of your inner being, and then give it expression, you are participating in the evolution of matter into light.

You did not come to Earth solely to assist the evolution of a star system, for you come on your own behalf also. You too are evolving. The blending of light and matter that is you in human form gives you, the being, the opportunity to understand your nature, your essence, your purpose and your potential. Living in a world of matter gives you the opportunity to examine in detail the process by which light takes on form and form dissolves into light. You observe the creation and dissolution of worlds through the activity of your consciousness. For your consciousness is the shaper of worlds; in each moment you shape a new world to suit that moment. 

Currently your experience has been constrained by the effects of inertia: the carrying forward from a previous moment of conditions and effects to a new moment. This inertial tendency has value. It gives you the opportunity to explore the consequences of actions, choices and thoughts through time. Through the laws of action and reaction you learn a great deal; you sow a crop and reap its harvest.

But now your world is changing. A dispensation of new energies and energy forms is entering your world, in large measure through the heart of the Sun. This granting of gifts has been long awaited and you lined your current incarnation up in the full expectation of meeting this dispensation and accepting its gifts. For you knew that you would be able to make good use of them, and this was known by others too, especially those beings of light who act as tutors to your spirit as you prepare to adopt a particular form.

The familiar way of being, whereby you picked up an identity from the previous moment and recreated it in the present moment, is changing to a different way of experiencing yourself. This course is designed to help you establish and grow comfortable with this new way. More and more you can know yourself born anew in each moment. What continuity you experience is through conscious choice, rather than through inertia or habit. 

Does this mean that your life changes entirely, that you lose all sense of your own past? Not at all, for what you are learning to do is to move to a different way of organising your energy field. Rather than depending upon inherited structures derived from your responses to the outer world, you are allowing your divine self to act as the organising principle for you. You are releasing dependence upon the accumulation of the experience of action and reaction in the outer world to shape your experience of life. Instead, you are allowing your divine self to shape the energies of each given moment to present you with the most beautiful gifts that moment offers.

In this course you will be exploring the movement between ‘core reality’, the reality of your divine self, and ‘local reality’, the chosen reality of your life on the earth plane. We will be teaching how you may use the movement between these two states to become increasingly conscious as your divine self. You come to experience your divine self as a magnet drawing to you and shaping the energies that enable you to express your higher purpose more fully and with greater joy.

There is much help available to you as you make these changes. Think of yourself as being in the company of many friends. You are held in the loving aura of the Earth and the Sun; their love meets in you and finds in you what loving parents find in a child, beauty becoming more manifest in each day, promise fulfilled moment by moment. In this course you will find the help of many angel beings: solar angels and devas, whose purpose is to guide light from the higher realms to the outer world. For them also, you are a precious being. Your capacity to hold, embody and radiate light is unique. You represent the emergence of a new kind of consciousness forged in the fires of experience and now moving into the fires of illumination to evolve to your next level.

As you know, the Sun gives both light and heat. You might consider that for a long while human evolution has dependent upon heat, both friction and combustion. You have grown through what you have ‘rubbed up against’ in life. Sometimes that friction has moved to combustion; you have burned up the old to make way for the new, you have been fired with enthusiasm. Now you are turning to the light.

Light has wonderful qualities. In the manifest universe it is the closest of all things the the Source of All. It offers you everything; it is the essence of all substance. Now the Sun reaches out with its light to the light of your own being. The Sun warms you with its love, so that, in relaxing, you release the light within to find expression in the world. As you study this course, knowing that you are deeply loved will help you. Remind yourself that it is so, whenever you choose.

The light of your own being draws you into the light of the Sun. There you may encounter loving angelic presences, gathered about the guiding principal presence of Azrael, who will oversee your own journey of discovery. This angel is a master of the art of metamorphosis, helping you move with grace from one way of knowing yourself to another more suited to the time in which you find yourself. You may call upon the help of myself, of Azrael, of the solar angels and devas at any time.

As you bathe in the inner light of the Sun, your spirit quickens. There is a shift in the way you experience time. It becomes easier to know the eternal now of your soul. This soul time facilitates the emergence of your divine self into the reality of your human presence. The light of your divine self thins or dissolves certain structures that you have used to sustain that presence through time. Foremost amongst these are etheric echoes of past events, sometimes called akashic records. The akashic records have been built into your etheric body; they constitute one of the chief structures underpinning human presence. They have given you a template to work to as well; you might think of them as providing you with challenges to meet and resolve.  

Under the new dispensation, these very subtle etheric energies release their forms and are experienced in a new way. Now, a little as in the world of quantum physics, your growing consciousness enables you to encounter the etheric as a medium shaped by consciousness in the moment. It is as if, rather than listening to a broadcast and identifying with it, you pay attention to the radio waves and create your own broadcast. 

Crucial to this process of transformation is the heart centre. Your heart is the doorway we are using to assist you in accessing these new states of consciousness. First of all, because your heart is the primary centre for the expression of love and love is key to receiving the new energies we are transmitting to you. You have reached a certain level of self-acceptance and self-love in order to be open to this invitation; you believe in your self-worth enough to also believe that you deserving the gift of joyful growing. 

For this too is crucial to what is offered. We are teaching you the skills of wonder. The ability to be in a state of wonder, engaging in each moment with a sense of its infinite potential, begins with self-acceptance. Then as you receive these transmissions of solar light your etheric body is free to absorb them and, having absorbing them, to allow the structures of the mental, emotional and even physical body to become more responsive, more open and flowing. 

In this way your divine self is free to emerge more fully than before to find expression through your human presence. You begin to access the unlimited power of your divine self, permitting it to shape your life. As your divine self in human form you are free to discover a wholly new sense of yourself. You become the merging of light and matter that is the shared vision of the Earth and the Sun. You are a bridge that unites them and in you the next stage in the evolution of the solar system is birthed. You become presence and are free to express the wonder of your being in each moment. You give to yourself the gift of being and in doing so know that you are divine. 

Introduction from Christopher

Welcome to this course. Its purpose is to assist you to a fuller realisation of yourself as a divine being in human form.  The Initiation of Solar Fire consists of guided inner journeys that take you step by step through a process of initiation. You may find it useful and simple to think of this initiation as a facilitated move from your current level of consciousness into whatever is the next for you. As you study the course Sananda, Azrael and many other beings of light are aware of you and focusing their love and light to help you.  

These inner journeys are accompanied by notes with background information and suggestions to help you as you study. The course comprises eight parts each with six inner journeys. These are cumulative and so should be studied in sequence first of all. Afterwards you may like to return to whichever journeys draw you most. In addition there will be several journeys which you may use at any time; their purpose is to assist you integrate the changes that the course brings and to grow more familiar with some of the centres we will be working with.

A reminder: Do not listen while driving.

Since these meditations may take you into deep states of relaxation, do not listen to them when driving or doing anything, such as operating machinery, that requires you to be alert and focused on the outer world.

The course

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Tracks 1 – 4: Cloak and Seed

We begin with a visit to a solar temple with the spiritual energy field of the Sun. In our first inner journey you meet the angel Azrael and are inducted into this process of initiation with the first of two gifts. The cloak of light is more than a symbol. It confers upon your energy field qualities of light with particular functions. These include three especially that you may become aware of. 

Firstly, the cloak of light helps you to observe more easily those energies which have originated outside of yourself, but which have, through habit and use, become accepted as part of you. At first sight it might seem that energies connecting with you from outside are going to help you towards oneness. Ultimately this is so, but where these energies have been misidentified there is a tendency to feel more separate. The increased clarity the cloak of light brings helps to dissolve of those old feelings of separateness.

Then, the cloak acts as a lens by which the solar angels and devas who are helping you may more easily focus their transmissions of light to you. Thirdly, and fundamental to the inherent structure of the cloak, is your portion of the Divine Plan; the cloak makes this template more readily evident to you. 

In the second inner journey you meet the soul of the Sun, sometimes referred to as the Solar Logos, to receive a seed of light to the heart centre. The seed is small, but, as we know, great oaks from little acorns grow! This seed is helping prepare your heart centre for the gift of solar fire which will follow. Allow the experience to be whatever it is for you, the touch of this gift is light, it comes with gentleness. Consequently you may find its presence creates interplays of energy within your heart centre that are also gentle. 

The cloak of light and the seed of light together set up an energy state of preparedness. They help you to feel at home in the solar temple and with the beautiful angelic presences with whom you will be working. We will be returning many times to this place and these beings.

A note about Azrael: You may know that Azrael is sometimes referred to as the Angel of Death. This can be misleading. Think of Azrael rather as the angel of transformation or metamorphosis. Of course, since death might be seen as the biggest transformation of all, the popular title is hardly surprising. This is the angel who helps us in all processes of change from one state to another. We might consider this kind of change as different from incremental growing. It is still growth, but growth that involves a change of state; not the caterpillar getting bigger, but the caterpillar becoming the butterfly. And Azrael comes to help with such transformations as these.

Tracks 5 – 8: The Angelic Solar Temple

This session helps you become more familiar with the space of the Angelic Solar Temple, for we will revisit it often in this course. You may like to spend time here, for you can learn and grow simply by being in these energies. Both the soul of the Sun and the many solar angels love to help you; your presence is all that is needed. At this time and for many years to come gifts held in store for humanity within the treasuries of the Sun are being released into human consciousness. These gifts bring growth and offer transformation. 

In our first inner journey it is these energies that give rise to growth and transformation that Sananda guides you to explore. If you think of core reality, a state of consciousness closer to that of your divine self than the local reality of the earth plane, as being without change of the kind we are so familiar with all our life, then we may assume that somehow in the journey we make from core reality to incarnate in a local reality such as the earth plane we adopt energies that support or enable change. It is these energies that you begin to touch upon in this journey. In particular Sananda draws you attention to two kinds of change, incremental and metamorphic or, more simply, flowing and stepping. Both are very familiar to us and they can be likened to climbing a rise by either walking up its slope or by walking up a stairway.  In the first change seems more or less continuous, in the second it seems to happen in a series of stages. 

Ultimately there may not be much difference between these two kinds of change, but if we are to be comfortable with change in our lives it helps us to be more aware of its energy. This course has as its purpose transformation, a metamorphosis from one way of experiencing ourselves to another. However, those angelic beings and beings of light whom are helping us do so in ways that are comfortable for us to integrate. Too big a step is unmanageable; breaking it into a series of smaller steps, perhaps even so many small steps that we experience it as a smooth transition, an easy slope, may be what is most helpful. As you encounter these energies of change you are helping yourself to gauge how you make changes in your life most effectively.

In the second inner journey you come before the central column of light within the Angelic Solar Temple. This column has many functions. For instance, you may find angelic presence or solar presence emerging from its light to appear to your inner senses in a humanlike form, as if condensing out of the light. In this journey you are guided to be aware of the natural resonance between your inner light and the light of this column, and then to focus upon the interplay between the seed of light within your heart centre and its equivalent within the heart of the Solar Logos which you may recognise within the column of light. As this interplay develops there can be an increase of light, an opening of the seed. You might consider this opening of the seed of light as the forming of a crucible into which you may later receive gifts of solar fire. 

Tracks 9 – 12: Core Reality

Again you are guided to the Angelic Solar Temple, this time to explore the central column of light further by moving into the column itself and being within its light. Sananda is introducing core reality, a state of consciousness that you may find familiar. Here time is the time of your soul, an eternal now. Change and movement, those fundamentals of our experience as humans, exist only as potential. This is the starting point from which all the different manifestations of your soul begin: your past, present and future lives, your soul’s explorations of other dimensions and states of being.   

In this sense it is a little like an airport; there are departure and arrival boards, you could travel anywhere in the world, but you are not flying yet. But unless you really like airports, this analogy soon breaks down! For core reality is a beautiful space which is only about waiting or preparing if we look at it from the point of view of the traveller, the being who is committed to choosing a particular direction. It can also be experienced as a place in which all possibilities are present and consequently as a place of unlimited abundance and wonderfully rich experience. We will be exploring this as we proceed.

Our second inner journey introduces you to the Wall of Fire. In the analogy I have just used it may be likened to the departure gate, the place through which you travel to another dimension or state of being: from non-physical into incarnation, for instance. However, here too the analogy is very limited. The Wall of Fire has characteristics of it own that offer us a great deal. Its intense electrical fire is crucial to establishing our human presence on Earth and releasing us from that presence when we conclude a lifetime. In this course you will be learning how to use that fire to facilitate your own evolution. 

This introductory journey helps you to sense it by moving within a core reality state, where all is in a state of potential. That movement (or even the recognition of the possibility of movement) begins to generate the Wall of Fire. The light of the column of light within this Angelic Solar Temple organises itself in accordance with the Divine Plan; it facilitates the movement of spirit into and out of a physical reality by bringing forth this electrical fire. It honours our free will and enables our exploration of it. Now we are finding that the Solar Logos is helping us to become more conscious of our ability to use the Wall of Fire within the course of a lifetime to modify the etheric template which it empowered us to establish.  

Special thanks to Sanaya Roman and Thaddeus for permission to use the music on all the inner journeys on this course. You can buy this music through www.orindaben.com. Track 2 – Initiation; Track 4 – Illumination; Track 6 – Blending with Your Soul; Track 8 – Spiritual Sun LiftingTrack 10 – Angels of Healing; Track 12 – Spiritual Sun Vortex

What’s next?

Well done! You have completed Part 1 of Initiation of Solar Fire. Before you move on to the next volume you may like to revisit favourite inner journeys or practise the skills you have been learning without using the recordings.

When you feel ready, use these buttons to access the rest of the course.

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